The Plan

While I first conceptualized this site a couple years back (as noted by the date on my very first post), it has taken quite some time to bring it to fruition. I believe God has now provided me the time and ability to move forward and I’m excited about the opportunity!

As noted previously, this site is an attempt to journal my journey down the narrow path, pursuing Jesus and His call on my life. I expect this will include general contemplations on theology and life application, musings on my continuing attempt to obtain my Masters of Divinity at Asbury Theologial Seminary, and discussion of the books I'm reading and attempts to immerse myself in the works of great Christian authors (always along with the Bible primarily, of course).   As a technologist, I’ll likely speak frequently about the intersection of technology and mission and Christian living (as well as learning about the power of Accordance Bible software). Honestly, a large raison d'être for this site is to help me remain disciplined and committed to my study and walk along the narrow path.

On the books side, I hope and expect that I'll be posting about the books I'm reading, the books I want to read, reviews of books I've finished, and the impacts these books have on my journey. While I expect most of the books will be new to me, I have a feeling I will be rereading and reviewing some books I read after becoming a Christian 25+ years ago. I'd also love to hear from you about suggested readings. I'll keep my planned reading list up-to-date (button in the upper right) as well as my running Favorites.

To note, all book links on this site are "Amazon associates" links — which means if you buy something through one of my links, your price will be exactly the same but I get a tiny percentage for leading customers to Amazon. I have every expectation that if I make anything from these links, it won't even cover my hosting costs, but I wanted to disclose out of an abundance of transparency.